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RCS Parent/Guardian Child Care Need Survey

This is an informational gathering survey of the RCS Parents/Guardians. Our goal is to determine child care needs and to identify possible resources now that RCS is on a remote learning plan (Plan C). Additionally, after the first 5 weeks, if schools should be required to implement a staggered schedule (Plan B), we would like to know your needs. One survey per household is sufficient. Please read carefully and complete this survey by Friday, July 30th. We appreciate your response.

RCS Parent/Guardian Child Care Need Survey


©2019 Rockingham County Schools. Proudly created by McConnell Group.

Central Elementary School

435 E Stadium Dr. 

Eden, NC 27288

Phone: (336) 623-8378

Rockingham County Schools

511 Harrington Highway

Eden, North Carolina 27288

Phone:  (336) 627-2600  Fax:  (336) 627-2660

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